Don't be The Asshat: A Maintainer's Perspective on Code Change Reviews
What most people underestimate about open source is that creating a PR is only the first hurdle to jump through. For better or worse, contributing ...
What most people underestimate about open source is that creating a PR is only the first hurdle to jump through. For better or worse, contributing ...
Twin Peaks, its been on my watch list for a while now. But since listening to the recent episodes on the Black Dahlia murders from ...
What is Groupthink? As defined by Wikipedia , groupthink is: a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for ...
Writing is hard. But so is publishing your writing. And much like software, publishing is the analog of "going to production" ie. only when your ...
As seen in numerous pull requests, the conversation goes something like this: Me: “Interesting solution. Where did this come from?” Colleague: “I found it on ...
Good job Jekyll and the team around Jekyll Admin ! After lots of time away from writing publically, I have come back to it. Not ...
There comes a time in a Flask applications lifecycle where javascript testing may become necessary. You might have lots of jQuery laying around. Or get ...
Getting Started The other day, we at Solaris Offgrid needed to port our database over to PostgreSQL. It was time. For that task we used ...
The other day I was installing the Cordova Geolocation plugin on an Ionic2 implementing Redux app I have. The issue I was having, was storing ...
Im going to try to keep my future posts short and simple. KISS Ahhh…. the beautiful checkbox in your form. You just love clicking it ...
Want to run a virtual machine within Kali Linux? You can use VirtualBox easily on your setup. Here is how to do it Execute {% ...
Summary The answers to your bug or issue most likely is NOT in a textbook, blogpost, or article Pick a goal, a large goal, and ...
Let me start off by saying that the folks over at Ionic are doing a great job. They are responsive to user issues, requests, and ...
readme One of the greatest lessons I have learned in development is to always read the README. Instead of asking a question on StackOverflow or ...